makingsense@home is a MakingSenseCIC project to provide sensory resources and activity ideas in collaboration with artists and arts venues across North Wales.
We are making sensory activity packs and digital resources for adults with Profound and Multiple learning disabilities to use with family and carers.
The digital resources are available free to everyone.
If you would like more information or would like to receive a pack
This project has been funded by Arts Wales.

Sensory Soap Box
This sensory box has been put together by artists Ben Davis and Jude Wood.
Here are some ideas to help you explore soap with the resources included in the box but feel free to experiment!
Blwch Sebon Synhwyraidd
Lluniwyd y blwch synhwyraidd hwn gan yr artistiaid Ben Davis a Jude Wood.
Dyma rai syniadau i’ch helpu chi archwilio sebon gyda’r adnoddau a gynhwysir yn y blwch, ond mae croeso i chi arbrofi!
Once upon a Christmas
This very special box contains the things you will need to prepare for and then settle down to listen to a Christmasy story brought to you by Theatr Clwyd and designed by Theatre Designer Jacob Hughes.
Gwyl Gaeaf
Mae’r blwch arbennig hwn yn cynnwys y pethau fydd eu hangen arnoch chi i baratoi ar gyfer a mwynhau gwrando ar stori Nadoligaidd gan Theatr Clwyd a ddyluniwyd gan y Dylunydd Theatr Jacob Hughes.

Indoor Seaside Experience
We have put together some resources to help you create your own sensory seaside experience at home.
Profiad Glan y Môr dan do
Rydym ni wedi llunio adnoddau i’ch cynorthwyo chi i greu ein pro-fiad synhwyraidd glan y môr yn y cartref.
Blowing in the wind
A sensory pack created by Artist Donna Jones and inspired by the work of Jeweller Jane Adams whose work was recently exhibited at Ruthin Craft Centre.
Pecyn synhwyraidd a grewyd gan yr artist Donna Jones a’i ysbrydoli gan waith y gemydd Jane Adams a fu’n arddangos ei gwaith yng Nghanolfan Grefft Rhuthun yn ddiweddar.
Water Music Paint
This activity is about enjoying music and sound and responding to it in the colours you choose and the marks you make.
Paentio Dyfrllyd i Gerddoriaeth
Mae’r gweithgaredd hwn yn canolbwyntio ar fwynhau cerddoriaeth a sain ac ymateb iddynt gyda’r lliwiau rydych chi’n eu dewis a’r marciau rydych chi’n eu gwneud.
Sensory Weaving with Honor Pedican
This activity is about exploring and enjoying materials and creating a small weaving that you can keep and enjoy.
Gwehyddu Synhwyraidd gyda Honor Pedican
Mae’r gweithgaredd hwn yn ymwneud â theimlo a mwynhau deunyddiau a chreu darn gwehyddu i chi ei gadw a’i fwynhau.
Music Box
Within this pack are the materials to make 3 different instruments. Alongside the materials there is a musical soundtrack to help you explore your new instruments and to make some music together.
This pack has been designed for you by Musician and Music therapist Rosie Angell
Mae’r pecyn yn cynnwys deunyddiau i wneud tri offeryn gwahanol. Ochr yn ochr a’r deunyddiau mae trac sain cerddorol i’ch cynorthwyo chi i archwilio’r offerynnau newydd a chreu cerddoriaeth gyda’ch gilydd.
Dyluniwyd y pecyn hwn ar eich cyfer chi gan y cerddor a’r therapydd cerdd Rosie Angell.

Sensory Object Box
This pack has been developed by Artist and Art Therapist Sian Hutchinson. The activity is about discovering, unwrapping and enjoying the feel of different sensory objects together.
Datblygwyd y pecyn hwn gan yr Artist a’r Therapydd Celf Sian Hutchinson. Mae’r gweithgaredd yn ymwneud â chanfod, dadorchuddio a mwynhau teimlad gwahanol wrthrychau synhwyraidd gyda’ch gilydd.

Sensory Dance Box
The theme of the box is Autumn. Explore the sounds, smells, textures and visual images of Autumn through movement and music.
Making Sense CIC has collaborated with NEW Dance to bring you this pack!
Croeso i’ch Pecyn Dawns
Thema’r blwch yw’r Hydref.
Archwiliwch synau, arogleuon, gweadau a delweddau gweledol yr Hydref trwy symud a cherddoriaeth.
Mae Making Sense CIC wedi cyd-weithio gyda NEW Dance i greu’r pecyn yma i chi!

Play with light
This sensory box has been put together by artists Ben Davis and Jude Wood.
Chwarae gyda golau
Lluniwyd y blwch synhwyraidd hwn gan yr artistiaid Ben Davis a Jude Wood.