Once upon a Christmas
This very special box contains the things you will need to prepare for and then settle down to listen to a Christmasy story brought to you by Theatr Clwyd and designed by Theatre Designer Jacob Hughes.
The story you will hear is part of Theatr Clwyd’s Christmas experience this year and is brought to you “exclusively” so that you can take part at home or where ever you are!
Gwyl Gaeaf
Mae’r blwch arbennig hwn yn cynnwys y pethau fydd eu hangen arnoch chi i baratoi ar gyfer a mwynhau gwrando ar stori Nadoligaidd gan Theatr Clwyd a ddyluniwyd gan y Dylunydd Theatr Jacob Hughes.
Mae’r stori y byddwch chi’n ei chlywed yn rhan o brofiad Nadolig Theatr Clwyd eleni ac mae’n ‘ecscliwsif’ i chi fel y medrwch chi gymryd rhan adref neu lle bynnag rydych chi!
The Story
Story written by: Rebecca Wilson
Production made by: Theatr Clwyd
Stori gan: Rebecca Wilson
Cynhyrchiad gan: Theatr Clwyd